1000 Hours Outside: Go All In For Your Kids!

When I first came across the 1000 Hours Outside challenge a few years ago I found it overwhelming. As a mom wearing many different hats and an ever busy schedule, it just seemed unrealistic to aim for 4 hours outside every single day. But the more I tried to get the kids outside, the more... Continue Reading →

8 Fun Ways To Get Your Kids Outside for Mindful Play

Do you feel constant frustration that your kids are not in nature enough or are looking at screens too much throughout the day? You're not alone. Most parents have heard the unison complaining as we try to get our kids to play outside more. It can be an exhausting job if you don't have a... Continue Reading →

Outdoor Mindfulness Tips for Kids

With nicer weather upon us, we have more opportunities to get the kids outside which is a breeding ground for natural mindfulness. Mindfulness, especially outside, has been shown to reduce stress, increase concentration, and improve our overall well-being. How can you encourage mindfulness in nature with your children? Here are 7 quick tips for simple... Continue Reading →

How to be mindful through artwork

Have you ever wondered how your artistic tendencies affect your day to day life? Do you consider yourself artistic or think about exploring your creative side? It looks like it could be well worth the effort for all of us, for a calmer and more mindful life according to research. I am not traditionally "artistic"... Continue Reading →

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